Monday, July 27, 2009

Pinochle Pinnacle

Every year a bunch of us try to make it out to my friend James' cabin. It's always a gerat trip filled with swimming, seafood, great conversation, old friends, and of course... pinochle. This is what James and I melded at about midnight one night. My (our) best hand EVER:
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James called spades just hoping for the Queen because he was dealt three legs of double pinochle. When I passed, I held on to the Ace of spades because I figured James already had one and I wanted to keep my Ace's around. We ended up with the following: the run, double pinochle, Kings around, and Aces around from me, not to metion the nine of trump. After playing through the hand, I think we ended up scoring 860 points in one hand... and we still lost the game.