Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's Family Portrait Time!

You know how every year you intend to get great family portraits for Christmas?  ...and then you get really busy? ...and it gets really dark and rainy?  Well, maybe this is your year.  Melissa Cline just emailed me about a week ago and look what they got.  Cow's licking their elbows.  And great family portraits of course.

More of the Cline family is on the way...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pure Bliss Desserts!

Our friend Andi just opened an new dessert shop in Bellingham called Pure Bliss Desserts.  She does an amazing job, and her shop has a very fun and unique feel.  You should check it out! (It's at 1424 Cornwall, right next to Chocolate Necessities).

Below are product shots I took for Andi's upcoming website redesign that should be out soon.  More to come later!
100820_PureBliss_0141 copy
100820_PureBliss_0259 copyWhen we were done with the official shots, I had some fun playing with my food: