Friday, November 6, 2009

Delya's Baby Pictures

Last Saturday I had the privilege of making some portraits of Delya. You might remember her from here, although she was a little harder to see.

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New Website

Things are starting to settle into place now after doing some work behind the scenes on the website and blog. Here's what you need to know: will now bring you to my new portfolio website.
Website copy is the new name for this blog, so set your RSS feeds accordingly.

Also, if you've tried to reach me this week at taylor [at] taylorswedbergphotography [dot] com, then you should assume I didn't receive your email. I'm truly sorry for the inconvenience, but I think most of this mess is behind us.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Site Update

If all goes according to plan, the domain name currently applied to this blog ( will be reassigned to my new website which should go live this week.

For those of you following this blog via RSS, I think if you set your reader to find, you should have uninterrupted feeds throughout the switch.

Sorry I can't be more help with how to find me, but all of this is fairly new to me and I'm not sure exactly what things are going to look like on the other side of the move.

Anyway, in the next few days be sure to be looking out for my new portfolio website at

Good luck!