Thursday, June 5, 2008

What Do You Think?

I haven't before spent too much time asking for comments on my posts, but this time I am curious what you think. Not that I'm not always curious what you think...

Anyway, I tried processing these next photos with a slightly different look. I've haven't really seen any other portrait photographers use this technique, but I thought it was interesting. The thing to look for in each of the following pictures is the "vertical grain".

Does it add intererst? Does it distract from the main focus of the portrait? Does it just look like it was printed on a cheap printer?

What do you think? You can click below to leave comments.

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008


For those of you who don't know, I teach 6th Grade at Bellingham Christian School. It's an incredible job and an incredible school, and the thing that makes it so great is the kids. They are all so unique. It is truly a privilege to get to know so many people so well... and call it a job!

Well, one of those people I have had the pleasure to get to know these last few years is a student named Aly. She was in the first class I ever taught, and now she is graduating 8th grade next Thursday night with all her classmates. Way to go Aly and way to go 8th grade! Go forth from here and take High School by storm. Let yourselves be completely abandoned to Jesus. That is all you need to do just fine in this new chapter of your lives.

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