Sunday, July 26, 2009

Heather and Dave: Preview

I'll get the rest of these up shortly, but I was hoping to get something out while Heather and Dave were still in the States and (possibly?) with family. Thank you Heather and David and family for a great day. We'll see you all again in a couple short months... and then again in a year!
090725_HeatherDaveWedding_2544 copy


  1. I heard you and Mindy risked your lives to save our pictures last night at the hotel :-) Thanks so much for everything Taylor, you guys were SO fun to work with! Can't wait to see more when we get back!

  2. Well, I don't think there was much actual danger, but it's nice to know that when the fire alarm wakes us up from a dead sleep, our first thought was the image files!

  3. wow taylor! What a great shot! You guys were so amazing and I'm highly anticipating more pics!
