Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Favorite Place

Mindy and I went for a hike today to my favorite place in Bellingham. It's a lookout point off the Pine and Cedar Lakes trail in the Chuckanut Mountain trail system. It was a beautiful and cold hike in the snow, filled with ample photo opportunities and great conversation. Here are some images from our day.

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090103_pine and cedar lakes 09_4307 copy


  1. My favorite pictures so far. Nice work.

  2. Those are great. A couple of them almost look like paintings.

  3. Thanks everybody. I liked how this series turned out as well. I appreciate your encouragement more than I can express. It means A LOT to me. Thank you.

  4. What part of "shut up" didn't you understand here, Taylor?

    (Just kidding)
