Thursday, December 18, 2008

Swedberg Custom Metal Work

We're not very good at dealing with snow here in the Bellingham area, and consequently I'm on snow day number two and looking ahead to snow day number three and an early start to Christmas break tomorrow. Ah, the joys of teaching... or not teaching as it were.

Anyway, the snow has given me an early break from Taylor Swedberg Teaching, and allowed me time to spend with Taylor Swedberg Photography. I've been looking through some images I haven't had time to edit and post in the past, and I decided to share some art images I captured with my dad in his shop. There is endless opportunity for finding textures and strange artifacts my dad has collected over his lifetime. It was a fun morning, and here are some of the fruits.

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  1. GORGEOUS! These belong hanging in a gallery!!

  2. Wow, you have some amazing family shots. If you'll be in the Spokane area and want some business one of these days please let me know! (I got this link from your brother-in-law, Stephen. :)
